AAC Talking Tabs - Immagini ARASAAC

Immagini ARASAAC

Ricerca Immagini ARASAAC

Arasaac Symbols License

Arasaac Pictographic symbols used are a property of CATEDU (http://catedu.es/arasaac /) under Creative Common’s License and they have been created by Sergio Palao.

You can download all the images from http://catedu.es/arasaac/ or from the following links:
ARASAAC 150px formato jpg
ARASAAC 150px formato png
Those zip files include images from Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese library, organized in alphabetical folders with no repeats. They are little more then 9000 images, the same delivered with the applications.

Find ARASAAC images. You can use as search key any word in any language supported:

Record Trovati: 41056 >>   Pagina 25 di 3422     >>  
Colore Bianco e nero   Italiano Inglese Francese Tedesco Spagnolo Portoghese
Arasaac 150-6fb3e10599f6a7f3129018b01233cc6e Arasaac 150-6fb3e10599f6a7f3129018b01233cc6e abbasseremo
Arasaac 150-b119c373d9f7c9ea6ce808d30e131a67 Arasaac 150-b119c373d9f7c9ea6ce808d30e131a67 abbasseremo
Arasaac 150-4ba319212f5ab5654dc6c8c0db51e32a Arasaac 150-4ba319212f5ab5654dc6c8c0db51e32a abbasserete
Arasaac 150-cd11b2cabf4a947e53557bf33d8a8236 Arasaac 150-cd11b2cabf4a947e53557bf33d8a8236 abbasserete
Arasaac 150-d90dfb5cfe6b1d3561d967846c6e8f61 Arasaac 150-d90dfb5cfe6b1d3561d967846c6e8f61 abbasserete
Arasaac 150-99890bcd73f1b876834e9f7856c25351 Arasaac 150-99890bcd73f1b876834e9f7856c25351 abbasserete
Arasaac 150-9c9519dc81901652d6e5a6551fea3d65 Arasaac 150-9c9519dc81901652d6e5a6551fea3d65 abbasserete
Arasaac 150-dc3238fc650dccbb1c5cca28930b84f7 Arasaac 150-dc3238fc650dccbb1c5cca28930b84f7 abbasserete
Arasaac 150-624162b7e353a9547602bc61424cbe6c Arasaac 150-624162b7e353a9547602bc61424cbe6c abbasserete
Arasaac 150-90e4da4a457dd5774c4d45d72748686f Arasaac 150-90e4da4a457dd5774c4d45d72748686f abbasserò
Arasaac 150-760d848738e09f05b3f3e718e558cddd Arasaac 150-760d848738e09f05b3f3e718e558cddd abbasserò
Arasaac 150-78ddd11c7952d71b97ace874ed19d54d Arasaac 150-78ddd11c7952d71b97ace874ed19d54d abbasserò
Record Trovati: 41056 >>   Pagina 25 di 3422     >>