AAC Talking Tabs - Immagini ARASAAC

Immagini ARASAAC

Ricerca Immagini ARASAAC

Arasaac Symbols License

Arasaac Pictographic symbols used are a property of CATEDU (http://catedu.es/arasaac /) under Creative Common’s License and they have been created by Sergio Palao.

You can download all the images from http://catedu.es/arasaac/ or from the following links:
ARASAAC 150px formato jpg
ARASAAC 150px formato png
Those zip files include images from Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese library, organized in alphabetical folders with no repeats. They are little more then 9000 images, the same delivered with the applications.

Find ARASAAC images. You can use as search key any word in any language supported:

Record Trovati: 41056 >>   Pagina 21 di 3422     >>  
Colore Bianco e nero   Italiano Inglese Francese Tedesco Spagnolo Portoghese
Arasaac 150-52c64a6e65c0239c040cdba63f76b7eb Arasaac 150-52c64a6e65c0239c040cdba63f76b7eb abbassate
Arasaac 150-b5070714328582bc241214c63fb74487 Arasaac 150-b5070714328582bc241214c63fb74487 abbassate
Arasaac 150-4c7f4c055c906192a38f96a1f21f59c1 Arasaac 150-4c7f4c055c906192a38f96a1f21f59c1 abbassate
Arasaac 150-9356e55702d8bdea56191552acca6467 Arasaac 150-9356e55702d8bdea56191552acca6467 abbassate
Arasaac 150-62e2cd5c1a8bc70b2db197cad82e46a8 Arasaac 150-62e2cd5c1a8bc70b2db197cad82e46a8 abbassate
Arasaac 150-4de745cef29222cd105bb4bee7561689 Arasaac 150-4de745cef29222cd105bb4bee7561689 abbassate
Arasaac 150-1fc8b90c6d1244555e6c13f6e9d3e5bf Arasaac 150-1fc8b90c6d1244555e6c13f6e9d3e5bf abbassate
Arasaac 150-a968ed3d7819668eaaafce3c3cd84fd6 Arasaac 150-a968ed3d7819668eaaafce3c3cd84fd6 abbassate
Arasaac 150-bc4012d80421571a44f6e63d1c955509 Arasaac 150-bc4012d80421571a44f6e63d1c955509 abbassate
Arasaac 150-68e5c7187297499c561401e03e648910 Arasaac 150-68e5c7187297499c561401e03e648910 abbassate
Arasaac 150-7b5aae0d9c1c279094642d6648382850 Arasaac 150-7b5aae0d9c1c279094642d6648382850 abbassate
Arasaac 150-dd8751220cb46df8988f5965736ea51f Arasaac 150-dd8751220cb46df8988f5965736ea51f abbassato
Record Trovati: 41056 >>   Pagina 21 di 3422     >>