AAC Talking Tabs - Immagini ARASAAC

Immagini ARASAAC

Ricerca Immagini ARASAAC

Arasaac Symbols License

Arasaac Pictographic symbols used are a property of CATEDU (http://catedu.es/arasaac /) under Creative Common’s License and they have been created by Sergio Palao.

You can download all the images from http://catedu.es/arasaac/ or from the following links:
ARASAAC 150px formato jpg
ARASAAC 150px formato png
Those zip files include images from Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese library, organized in alphabetical folders with no repeats. They are little more then 9000 images, the same delivered with the applications.

Find ARASAAC images. You can use as search key any word in any language supported:

Record Trovati: 41056 >>   Pagina 22 di 3422     >>  
Colore Bianco e nero   Italiano Inglese Francese Tedesco Spagnolo Portoghese
Arasaac 150-3effefedbe822425b6d8aa94b15b305d Arasaac 150-3effefedbe822425b6d8aa94b15b305d abbassato
Arasaac 150-23b1429861232e298d179d95fafb3288 Arasaac 150-23b1429861232e298d179d95fafb3288 abbassato
Arasaac 150-b62d7a5e9a007eaed0e3ac05a9e9c65b Arasaac 150-b62d7a5e9a007eaed0e3ac05a9e9c65b abbassato
Arasaac 150-e52874666f5f71d4e38ae524a9a3468 Arasaac 150-e52874666f5f71d4e38ae524a9a3468 abbassato
Arasaac 150-6e7b4c58b1b326412e8e2d90429e0143 Arasaac 150-6e7b4c58b1b326412e8e2d90429e0143 abbassato
Arasaac 150-65dfbdfee4ac609db9b8294e5050f0ca Arasaac 150-65dfbdfee4ac609db9b8294e5050f0ca abbassato
Arasaac 150-b9de9ed12a8db4c1096e53c46e5ba06b Arasaac 150-b9de9ed12a8db4c1096e53c46e5ba06b abbassa
Arasaac 150-1af6b1093299f486b914c9c6a723519c Arasaac 150-1af6b1093299f486b914c9c6a723519c abbassa
Arasaac 150-32723d7c796bc182a0e6af8d62c8feb4 Arasaac 150-32723d7c796bc182a0e6af8d62c8feb4 abbassa
Arasaac 150-19efb081cbd22aa5d72c83e82f54bbee Arasaac 150-19efb081cbd22aa5d72c83e82f54bbee abbassa
Arasaac 150-346cc009ecab8c4e5e8301a57941988 Arasaac 150-346cc009ecab8c4e5e8301a57941988 abbasserà
Arasaac 150-39aa0aaf0d3921f8f3c20d29e5c4cd60 Arasaac 150-39aa0aaf0d3921f8f3c20d29e5c4cd60 abbasserà
Record Trovati: 41056 >>   Pagina 22 di 3422     >>