AAC Talking Tabs - Immagini ARASAAC

Immagini ARASAAC

Ricerca Immagini ARASAAC

Arasaac Symbols License

Arasaac Pictographic symbols used are a property of CATEDU (http://catedu.es/arasaac /) under Creative Common’s License and they have been created by Sergio Palao.

You can download all the images from http://catedu.es/arasaac/ or from the following links:
ARASAAC 150px formato jpg
ARASAAC 150px formato png
Those zip files include images from Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese library, organized in alphabetical folders with no repeats. They are little more then 9000 images, the same delivered with the applications.

Find ARASAAC images. You can use as search key any word in any language supported:

Record Trovati: 41056 >>   Pagina 23 di 3422     >>  
Colore Bianco e nero   Italiano Inglese Francese Tedesco Spagnolo Portoghese
Arasaac 150-20ca2f1826864330f0469a0df4ef18e Arasaac 150-20ca2f1826864330f0469a0df4ef18e abbasserà
Arasaac 150-e4194eda48f599862a3090eaa586f4e3 Arasaac 150-e4194eda48f599862a3090eaa586f4e3 abbasserà
Arasaac 150-3abcce664c15359024bb5e66daf77791 Arasaac 150-3abcce664c15359024bb5e66daf77791 abbasserà
Arasaac 150-5a11bf3fc256dc93d5a90d1f64cacc39 Arasaac 150-5a11bf3fc256dc93d5a90d1f64cacc39 abbasserai
Arasaac 150-3bf0ee4cf0be80818096e844d59ad2fe Arasaac 150-3bf0ee4cf0be80818096e844d59ad2fe abbasserai
Arasaac 150-3234ca518f1986923981f10ffe49253 Arasaac 150-3234ca518f1986923981f10ffe49253 abbasserai
Arasaac 150-49a5438b29cf6b2365bf54ea4bd1bfb0 Arasaac 150-49a5438b29cf6b2365bf54ea4bd1bfb0 abbasserai
Arasaac 150-d8e624b714cd89c399869a424f9ba414 Arasaac 150-d8e624b714cd89c399869a424f9ba414 abbasserai
Arasaac 150-480905f0d2cc9f575659b59e7e145c0d Arasaac 150-480905f0d2cc9f575659b59e7e145c0d abbasserai
Arasaac 150-c83f0258e7c0ebd21ac31296339c93d2 Arasaac 150-c83f0258e7c0ebd21ac31296339c93d2 abbasserai
Arasaac 150-641294d3d72cf198db08c99d259d3bea Arasaac 150-641294d3d72cf198db08c99d259d3bea abbasseranno
Arasaac 150-2031ebe6917ab59e76782db5bf15f6f1 Arasaac 150-2031ebe6917ab59e76782db5bf15f6f1 abbasseranno
Record Trovati: 41056 >>   Pagina 23 di 3422     >>